Monday, October 23, 2006

"The Departed"

Starting off, what's not to love about a DiCaprio/Damon doubleheader? Throw in Nicholson for some diabolical humor and you've got a hit.

There's not much that can be said about this film that won't give away the plot, but I'll just say this -- it has a lot more to offer than just eye candy. Leo turned in a great performance. Matt was merely good, but it wasn't his fault -- he wasn't give much to work with here. Still, it was nice to see him return to his "Good Will Hunting" stomping grounds of South Boston in a look at what Will might have become had things turned out a little differently.

"The Departed" will keep you guessing until the end. And the end never quite seems to come. That's part of the beauty, I guess. So go see it!


At Monday, October 23, 2006 11:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVED this movie. I practically had to be restrained from lunging at the screen to try and "become one" with Leo. Siggggghhh.


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